Age: 22
Sex: kobieta
Label yourself (prep, goth, druggie, weirdo, etc.) artystyczna dusza w czarnych barwach z pociagiem do narkotyków
How long have you been cutting? ok.2 lata z przerwami
Favorite tool? żyletka
Where (place) do you cut? łazienka i sypialnia
Do you have to hide your whole arm(s) (wrists,forearms,& upper arms etc) nie
Do you have to wear long-sleeves & long-pants all the time? nogi ciagle zakrywam, ręce tylko w tedy gdy rany sa jeszcze świeże i krwawiace. w tym przypadku noszę bandaże i rękawiczki do łokci
Do you cut on your stomach, or chest? na poczatku, póki co tego nie robię
Are your legs, arms, & other body parts covered in scars? moje ręce i uda
What’s your favorite excuse to use when someone asks about a cut? zawsze mówie : nikt nie powiedział, że jestem normalna osoba. albo po prostu lekko się usmiecham i udaję, że nie wiem o co chodzi
Off the top of your head, about how many scars do you have? bardzo dużo, może z 30
Have you ever been hospitalized because of your cutting? nigdy! wolałabym tego uniknać, choć z drugiej strony chcę tego
Do you have (diagnosed or not) depression, and/or bipolar/bpd? 7 lat bulimi plus depresja co jakiś czas
Who knows you cut? matka, paru znajomych (2-4 osoby)
Have you ever been caught cutting? na szczęście nie!
Have your parents ever confronted you about a bloody sleeve, or towel? nie
Did you have a good childhood? bardzo dobre, wręcz idealne
Why do you cut? w ramach kary, dla wewnętrznego oczyszczenia się
Have you ever talked to a therapist or counselor? nie
Do you want to stop cutting, but can’t because of addiction? może
Do you like cutting? tak
How many times have you tried to complete suicide? zero, ale myślę o tym
What are your views on cutting, and other self-injury? ...
Do you like watching movies with self-injury? niezbyt, bardzo mnie to krępuje
Do you like looking at pictures of self-injury? bardzo!
Do you sometimes envy other people? (non-self-injurers) ...
Have you ever taken any pictures of your cuts/scars? tylko za 1 razem, dawno temu
Do you want to die? If yes, why? czasami i tylko dlatego że nienawidzę siebie oraz przez samotność
Have you ever done a school assignment on cutting, or self-injury? nie
What do you like to listen to while cutting? wolę cisze w takich momentach
Have you ever needed stitches from cutting? tak, ale zignorowałam to
Do you dream about cutting? codziennie
Would you rather have a boyfriend/girlfriend that is also a cutter? nie!
What do you use to bandage your cuts? czasem bandażu